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Made in China 2025: Internet plus intelligent manufacturing

An executive meeting of the state council the other day called for accelerating the implementation of made in China 2025 to upgrade the manufacturing sector. The conference put forward that the development of new generation of information technology, high-grade CNC machine tools and robots, aerospace equipment, Marine engineering equipment and high-tech ships, advanced rail transport equipment, energy-saving and new energy vehicles, electric power equipment, new materials, biological medicine and high-performance medical equipment, agricultural machinery and equipment ten fields.

Different from the ten industrial revitalization plans and seven strategic emerging industries previously issued or defined, the meeting stressed that it is necessary to follow the development trend of Internet plus, take the in-depth integration of informatization and industrialization as the main line, strengthen industrial basic capacity, improve technological level and product quality, and promote intelligent manufacturing and green manufacturing. We will promote integrated development of producer services and manufacturing, and raise the level of manufacturing and its core competitiveness.

Miao wei, minister of industry and information technology, said in an interview that made in China 2025 is the first 10-year action plan of the three-step strategy. China will strive to enter the second phalanx of global manufacturing through this decade's efforts, laying a good foundation for the latter two steps.

Internet + has many advantages

At this year's two sessions, made in China 2025 has been elevated to a national strategy. In his government work report, premier li keqiang put forward the following proposals: continue to pursue innovation-driven, intelligent transformation, strengthen the foundation, green development, and accelerate the transformation from a manufacturing power to a manufacturing power.

This is a major event in the development of China's manufacturing industry. Miao said it took the ministry of industry and information technology more than a year to draw up the made in China 2025 plan, after more than 150 experts from the Chinese academy of engineering spent a year and a half on strategic demonstration. It will take China roughly three decades to complete its transformation from a manufacturing powerhouse to a manufacturing powerhouse.

According to the executive meeting of the state council, to build an upgraded version of China's manufacturing industry, the development trend of Internet plus should be followed. According to state media reports, the use of the industrial Internet will increase companies' efficiency by about 20 percent, reduce costs by 20 percent and reduce energy and emissions by about 10 percent. In the next 20 years, China's industrial Internet will add at least us $3 trillion to its GDP.

Relevant person in charge of haier tells a reporter, they are building Internet factory. At present, haier begins to transform from mass manufacturing to mass customization. Customers place orders and the orders are put on the production line. The production line can form a large system through the system to realize mass customization. Haier is also exploring ways to connect consumers with production-line robots. For example, if a customer wants to put his or her profile picture on a beverage bottle, the information can be sent to the production-line robot over the Internet.

When our reporter interviewed the 2015 electronic show in Hanover, Germany, he felt that Germany's industry 4.0 could learn from the Internet of things combined with big data. As the largest elevator company in Germany, thyssenkrupp has chosen to cooperate with Microsoft's cloud service platform. We help it to organize and analyze the big data of 1.2 million elevators, so as to make predictions and business decisions in advance. For example, which elevator to replace which parts and when.

A good framework for industrial Internet development will provide more opportunities for development. Miao wei said.

Technical level and product quality

As the world's factory, China's manufacturing industry has always been a dominant industry. But over the past few years, Chinese companies have seen their ability to create value decline, even as they struggle with shoddy manufacturing and fakes. In the face of China's manufacturing gradually showing weak momentum.

Take China's Marine engineering equipment and high-tech ships as an example. Although China's shipyards completed 681 ships with 36.3 million deadweight tons in 2014, ranking first in the world, the total value of shipbuilding is not as high as that of Korean shipyards.

An internal management of a Marine industry enterprise told our reporter that because there is a certain gap between China's shipbuilding products and South Korea's, such as container ships, bulk carriers and other mainstream products, if we can increase Marine industry and high-tech ships (such as LNG) and other products, then China's shipbuilding output value and added value will be increased.

For the high technology of ship, the ministry has published the corresponding research guide, including: focus on high speed, such as natural gas engine and dual fuel engine research for ship form design and key technology in the research, the key equipment development, the LNG ship to fuel, the polar multi-purpose carrier and large car ro-ro can do more to explore. If there is a major breakthrough in the above fields, it will play a role in promoting China's overall ship technical performance and mastering the right to speak on international ships.

In terms of power equipment, premier li keqiang discussed with the staff of guangdong electric power design institute about the energy consumption of coal-fired power plants and the production process of nuclear power system during his visit to guangdong at the beginning of this year. He wants more of China's power equipment to go global.

Our country is a latecomer. 'encircling cities from the countryside is what we're best at,' a senior official at a large state-owned nuclear-power equipment company told our reporter earlier. In his view, given the current pattern of nuclear power in the world, this is the best opportunity for China to develop and export nuclear power.

Smart manufacturing and green manufacturing

The executive meeting of the state council proposed to strengthen basic industrial capacity, improve technological level and product quality, and promote intelligent manufacturing and green manufacturing. For example, the intelligent system of cars frees people from the driving position, which is the direction of future development. MiaoWei said.

The development plan of energy-saving and new energy vehicle industry released by the state has clearly pointed out the development priorities and goals of new energy vehicles in China, and plans to achieve the total production and sales of pure electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles to reach 500,000 by 2015, and more than 5 million by 2020.

Since the beginning of this year, many independent automobile enterprises have accelerated their layout in the field of new energy. After launching the two-mode plug-in hybrid car qin, byd will launch three new energy vehicles in tang, song and yuan this year. Geely and new ocean are starting to grab market share of micro electric cars. Not only car companies are seizing the new energy car market, Letv, baidu, tencent and other IT Internet companies have also joined to promote electric and intelligent cars.

However, compared with the United States, Germany, France, Japan and South Korea, the international competitiveness of China's automobile industry is obviously at a competitive disadvantage, and even compared with other brics countries, it is only at the middle level. Zhang qizai, a researcher at the institute of industrial economics at the Chinese academy of social sciences.

Wang binggang, head of the supervision team of major electric vehicle projects under the ministry of science and technology, told the newspaper that the development of new energy vehicles needs a process, and with more mature products and improved infrastructure, the development of new energy vehicles in China will accelerate in the next few years.

Not only the automobile industry, but also the clothing, shoes, toys and other industries are constantly innovating and upgrading. Asia footwear association secretary-general li yesterday, an interview with our reporter said, at present China's footwear technology level and product quality has been improved, some shoes machine equipment level are even more than Europe and the United States, Japan and other western countries or regions, the domestic some shoes and shoe manufacturer shoes materials manufacturers have been common research and development some products, and constantly to import some electronic technology, developing rapidly in recent years.

Policy tilt

The executive meeting of the state council specially put forward that we should adhere to the market leading, reform and innovation, give play to the main role of enterprises, promote the support of large, small and medium-sized enterprises, strive for key breakthroughs and achieve effective results, and give preference to fiscal, tax, financial, talent and other policies.

The news will bring light to a small wuhan company with only 22 employees.

Wuhan yunhe dingyu refrigeration technology co., LTD., although small, but master the world's thermal energy chemical refrigeration of the most core technology, but it is facing loans less than the plight.

In a previous interview with the company, cheng qiuhai, the company's chairman, told reporters that the chiller does not use compressors or freon and does not consume electricity or gas. Instead, it absorbs heat directly from diesel exhaust, industrial low-pressure waste steam or solar heat and converts it into cold energy.

In a dilapidated warehouse, cheng qiu-hai started a generator, smoke along the pipeline into the side of the refrigerator, in a short while, from the refrigerator will spit out large and small ice. In less than ten minutes, it filled a large tub. Cheng qiuhai told reporters that if cars install such engine exhaust cooling system, can greatly reduce fuel consumption and exhaust emissions.

In the past, we mainly focused on some large enterprises and standardized products. Most of the policies that encourage research and development end up in large enterprises and institutions. Miao wei said that small and medium-sized enterprises, small and micro enterprises have natural, endogenous power and vitality, and strong innovation ability. We need to attach great importance to the creativity and innovation of small and micro businesses and start-ups, and give full play to the enthusiasm of market players.

Lian lian connect: the state council makes clear key development 10 manufacturing industries

As the development program and top-level design of China's industry in the next decade, made in China 2025, first proposed in this year's government work report, was unveiled at an executive meeting of the state council yesterday. The meeting will promote the integration of the strategic blueprint of big and strong manufacturing in China with the development trend of Internet ++, put forward ten key areas, including the development of new generation of information technology, high-grade CNC machine tools and robots, and sea, land, air and sky equipment, and decide to launch the green book on upgrading direction of key areas of manufacturing in China. This has sent a strong signal to the market, manufacturing transformation and upgrading of the big breakthrough, big speed up is about to start.

Integrating the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry into the tide of Internet + has become a development path recognized by all enterprises from senior management. Making clear the executive meeting of the state council put forward: to conform to the trend of the development of the Internet +, with the concept of informatization and industrialization depth fusion, focus on developing a new generation of information technology, high-end CNC machine tools and robotics, aerospace equipment, Marine engineering equipment and high technology, advanced shipping rail transportation equipment, energy saving and new energy vehicles, electric power equipment, new materials, biological medicine and high-performance medical apparatus and instruments, agricultural machinery and equipment, and other areas of the top ten.

Miao wei, minister of the ministry of industry and information technology, told xinhua that if industrial enterprises apply Internet technology to improve their overall competitiveness, there will be great potential for development, and it is also one of the earliest industries to realize Internet +. Setting up the framework for industrial Internet development will provide more opportunities for development, he said.

Feng fei, director of the industrial policy department of the ministry of industry and information technology, also said recently that made in China 2025 is essentially China's version of industry 4.0, and the commanding height of industry 4.0 lies in the industrial Internet, which is also an important development direction of the Internet + strategy. It is estimated that the development of China's industrial Internet will add at least us $3 trillion to GDP in the next 20 years.

At the same time, the executive meeting of the state council proposed to strengthen basic industrial capacity, improve technological level and product quality, and promote intelligent manufacturing and green manufacturing. Miao wei believes that intelligent manufacturing is the main direction of China's transformation from a manufacturing power to a powerful country. He revealed that the ministry of industry and information technology (miit) is participating in major engineering research on intelligent manufacturing to promote the development of intelligent manufacturing by selecting key areas, regions and industries for pilot and demonstration exploration over a period of about three years.

In the industrial chain of intelligent manufacturing equipment, high-grade CNC machine tools and robots are undoubtedly an important part, and also one of the fields that should be highlighted at the executive meeting of the state council. According to a survey by the ministry of industry and information technology, the proportion of CNC equipment on production lines in industrial enterprises above the designated size has increased by four percentage points annually in the past five years, to 30% now. As a domestic advanced CNC machine tool manufacturer, central China CNC (300161, consulting) related person in charge told the reporter that CNC system is the brain of advanced high-end manufacturing equipment, the company is interested in using Chinese brain equipment made in China.

In particular, the meeting put forward the following proposals: adhere to market leadership, reform and innovation, give full play to the role of enterprises, promote the support of large, medium and small enterprises, make breakthroughs in key areas and achieve real results, and give preferential treatment to fiscal, tax, financial and personnel policies.

Whether it is smart manufacturing or upgrading traditional industries, innovation will continue to drive the development of manufacturing, and this will help drive the development of Chinese manufacturing. In response, su bo, vice minister of industry and information technology, said that not mastering key and core technologies is one of the prominent problems in China's industrial structure.

The executive meeting of the state council also heard the report on the restructuring progress of China CNR (601299, consulting) and China CSR (601766, consulting), pointing out that promoting the combination of strong enterprises and optimizing the allocation of resources can effectively solve the problems of redundant construction and excessive competition. The meeting also stressed that we should continue to strengthen the reform of state-owned enterprises and state-owned assets, accelerate trials of state-owned capital investment companies and operating companies, and give full play to the role of the market mechanism.

Made in China takes ten years

By 150, China became the world's largest manufacturing nation in 2010. Put it in the warp and weft of history, and it is China that has regained its position as the world's leading manufacturer after 150 years.

The so-called "10" refers to the state council's executive meeting on July 25, which called for accelerating the implementation of the "made in China 2025" strategy to upgrade the manufacturing sector. This means that a 10-year roadmap for China's manufacturing development has been drawn. The cocoon-breaking butterfly made in China may have started in Sri Lanka.

China's position as the world's largest manufacturer is not even something to celebrate. At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is gathering momentum. Represented by German industry 4.0 and the us advanced manufacturing partnership program, developed countries are planning to readjust and redistribute high-end manufacturing. The fundamental purpose is to create new competitive advantages in national manufacturing.

On the other hand, Beijing is keenly aware that China is far from a manufacturing powerhouse and does not yet have a large number of key enterprises with international competitiveness. In industrial development, there are still a number of major technologies and equipment that need to be made breakthroughs. All this suggests that China still has some catching up to do in building a new competitive edge in manufacturing.

At the same time, the news about Chinese tourists buying toilet seats in Japan also reveals from another level that with the advancement of urbanization and the increase of national consumption power, the demand for high-end consumer goods in China's domestic market is increasing. In the face of huge potential market demand, Chinese manufacturing faces great opportunities.

More importantly, as the economy enters the new normal, the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry is of great significance to improving China's core competitiveness, promoting the economy to maintain medium-high growth rate and move towards the medium-high level, and building an upgraded version of China's economy.

For this reason, in this year's government work report, Chinese premier li keqiang formally proposed the made in China 2025 development plan, which has aroused heated discussions from all walks of life. Just 20 days later, the plan was pushed forward, reflecting policymakers' eagerness to boost manufacturing in China.

The desire is urgent, but Beijing clearly prefers to be realistic. Faced with international public opinion comparing made in China 2025 with Germany's industry 4.0, Chinese officials have repeatedly stressed that China and Germany are at different stages and levels of development. The implication is that China is willing to learn from Germany, but will never encourage it, let alone devour it.

China has also rejected Suggestions that it will overtake Germany and the United States in the next decade. Industry and information
