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What is the scope of application of the locomotive common sense literacy | mine electric locomotive

Application scope of mine electric locomotive:

Mining electric locomotive is widely used in horizontal or near-horizontal roadways. The roadway slope is generally 3%, and the partial slope cannot exceed 30%. Application scope:

(1) in the main transport roadway of air inlet in low swamp mine, the electric locomotive with wire rack can be used, but the roadway support must use non-combustible materials.

(2) in the main transport roadway of high methane mine, the special explosion-proof battery electric locomotive for mining should be used. If the electric locomotive of wire rack is used, special measures must be taken to meet a series of provisions of the code.

(3) in the mine with methane outburst and methane emission area, the main air inlet tunnel or the main air return tunnel, should be used in mine explosion-proof special battery locomotive, and must be installed in the locomotive methane automatic detection alarm.

Mechanical structure of mine electric locomotive:

The mechanical equipment includes frame, wheelset, bearing and axle box, spring, bracket, brake device, sand-adding device, gear transmission device and connection buffer device, etc.

