Classification list
Common engine faults are judged by exhaust smoke status

Why does the exhaust pipe of the engine emit white smoke?

1 exhaust pipe out of the white smoke, mainly because the fuel oil contains too much water. In addition, there is dew in the exhaust pipe in late autumn and early winter, and white smoke may come out after the engine starts.

2 fog, rainy days, the exhaust pipe will also emit white smoke. This is because fog, rainy days, the air contains small water mist along with the air into the intake pipe. In the combustion chamber and fuel burning, so rainy days, fog, exhaust pipe will also emit white smoke; In addition, the hot air from the exhaust pipe hit the moisture in the air and turned into steam, which turned into white smoke.

Why does the exhaust pipe of the engine emit blue smoke?

Light blue smoke from the engine exhaust, mainly from burning oil.

There are many reasons for burning engine oil, including:

1. Excessive amount of oil is added, and the oil level exceeds the highest position;

2. Blocked vent pipe and PCV vent valve failure;

3. Piston deformation or cylinder deviation;

4. Loose and relaxed valve catheter, valve oil seal deformation, aging or failure;

5. Piston ring matching, reverse or failure.

6. Too small matching clearance between piston and cylinder;

7. Too small clearance at the closed mouth of the piston ring leads to: a. B. Piston skirt abrasion, cylinder wall scratch, damage sealing surface.

